Therapy and PTSD dogs ( The Truth ).

  Regarding the exploitation of dogs in the U.S., so called Therapy and PTSD dogs are a big part of this. As mentioned elsewhere on this site, there is NO Governing body in place for training dogs, and there are NO requirements in the U.S. to be a so called ”...

Training vs Parenting

    Many people consider me ( Edward Denny ) to be a ”Professional Trainer ”, and while I have prepared hundreds of dogs for high level Protection, for Law Enforcement, to be well behaved and obedient, and for Search and Rescue, I have never considered...


Dogs only need one general anti-viral vaccine ( Parvo, Distemper, etc. )  to be protected for life. This Vaccine should occur between 7-15 weeks of age.  Then one Rabies vaccine between 8-12 months of age.  Beginning with the second Vaccine of either, Vaccinosis...


Somewhat common in adolescent West German Shepherds.  Urination is often followed by a clear, thick mucus substance. This is caused by inflammation of the developing vaginal tract. While bacteria is often involved, it typically clears up without assistance or Meds. ...